Return your completed application to the Corn Festival office by September 18, 2024. Our address is PO Box 22, Morris, IL 60450. You can also drop off your application at our office, 909 N. Liberty Street. This is in the train depot that also houses the Grundy Chamber, at the rear of the building.
Your application is accepted unless you are notified differently. The Grundy County Corn Festival Board does NOT assign numbers on a first come – first serve basis. Numbers will be assigned based on placement, spacing and if you have sound/music of all units in the parade.
The parade steps off promptly at 2:00 pm on Sunday, September 29th, 2024. Your entry has to be in its space no later than 1:30 pm.
Someone from your group MUST check in at the parade booth! The check in booth is located at the corner of Liberty St and High St.
Parade check-in; All entries. Please take Route 6 to Liberty St. Turn south on Liberty St. Continue south to check-in booth Located at the corner of Liberty St and High St. You will be given your window placard and will be directed to the best route to your lineup location. Parade Marshals are stationed throughout the lineup area to direct you. Please do not hesitate to ask for directions or help if needed. You will be given your window placard and will be directed to the best route to your lineup location. Parade Marshals are stationed throughout the lineup area to direct you. Please do not hesitate to ask for directions or help if needed.
Check in starts at 11:00 noon on Sunday. You will need to check in by 1:00 pm and entry in its space by 1:30 pm. If you do not check in, you will be considered a no show. When you check in, you will be given your number placard and directed to your spot in the lineup area. Please note, placement in the parade lineup has nothing to do with when you submit your application or what time you check in on Sunday.
If you have a large group: We recommend setting a meeting place for your group and sending one person to check in and pick up your number placard. You can then direct your group to your assigned lineup area.
The Corn Festival Board of Directors spends an enormous amount of time setting the parade lineup. We carefully consider each placement based on unit size and participation. Please understand that every unit cannot be at the beginning of the parade, and we try to rotate participants that return year after year so they are not always at the same number. We know that without you, we do not have a successful and entertaining parade each and every year.
Thank you for your participation and have a wonderful time on parade day.
Judging results will be posted on our website and Facebook page
1st Place Awards will be available at the Corn Festival office the week following the festival
All entries MUST check in and pick up number placards on the day of the parade
The THROWING of any items or material into the crowd or onto the street is prohibited. This includes Frisbees, balls, or any other item meant to be thrown. Items may be handed out at the discretion of the Corn Festival Committee.
Balloons, literature, and other handouts may be distributed by people walking along the curb only. Do not throw anything from your unit.
CANDY / FOOD / OR DRINK product distribution of any kind is NOT allowed in our parade.
Do not hold up the parade. Our parade marshals will let you know when to step off. Keep up with the unit in front of you while leaving enough space to have your own recognition. If you are not in your lineup area or miss your step-off, we have the right to refuse entrance.
Do not stop walking or stop at the reviewing stand. You need to stay moving during the route.
Alcohol is prohibited in our parade. All state laws and local ordinances regarding the use of alcohol and motor vehicles as well as public consumption of alcohol will be enforced. You will be removed from the parade and subject to arrest for any violations. Please remember that we have children in this parade and that Corn Festival is a family event.
‘No Parking’ areas are clearly marked. Do not park in the parade route or in the lineup area. Your vehicle will be towed.
Do not attempt to drive into the lineup area to drop people off. This area is very congested, and you will only add to the crowd and create confusion while endangering others.
Parade volunteers are posted throughout the lineup area. Please look for bright yellow shirts. If you have any questions or need directions, they are there to help you. They are also responsible for keeping order, seeing that units are lined up properly, and to enforce the rules so the parade runs smoothly.
All entries MUST check in and pick up number placards on the day of the parade
Please help us make this a safe and enjoyable day for every participant and spectator by following these rules; they are for your benefit and safety. Corn Festival officials patrol the parade route and WILL remove any units that are in violation of these rules.
Thank you for supporting our parade and have a wonderful time on parade day.
Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Check-in Time: 11:00 am
Parade Time: 2:00 pm
Theme: “75 A-Maize-Ing Years”
Return application to the Corn Festival office by September 18, 2024